Our Commercial Rating Course

Our Commercial Pilot course is designed for those looking to take their aviation career to the next level. This certification allows pilots to be compensated for flying, opening doors to careers in charter operations, corporate aviation, aerial surveying, banner towing, and more. Throughout the course, you will refine your flying skills, mastering complex maneuvers, precision landings, and advanced aeronautical decision-making. Training includes structured cross-country flights, night operations, and practical experience managing real-world flight scenarios. A major focus is placed on enhancing flight proficiency, improving aircraft control, and developing the professionalism expected of commercial pilots. You will train in a Cessna 172N with expert Certified Flight Instructors (CFIs) guiding you every step of the way. For those looking to gain Technically Advanced Aircraft (TAA) time, George offers flight time in his private Cessna 182Q Skylane upon request. Our flexible, pay-as-you-go structure allows you to train at your own pace, with aircraft rental rates at $150 per hour (wet) and instructor rates at $60 per hour. Military discounts are available for eligible students. By the end of this program, you will have the experience, confidence, and credentials to pursue a professional career in aviation or continue advancing toward higher certifications, such as becoming a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI).

Commercial Rating

To obtain a Commercial Pilot Certificate, the FAA requires the following:
Flight Experience Requirements:
     Total Flight Time: Minimum of 250 hours of total flight time, including:
          100 hours as Pilot in Command (PIC).
          50 hours of cross-country flight time.
Training Requirements:
     10 hours of flight training in a complex or Technically Advanced Aircraft (TAA).
     10 hours of instrument training (can be simulated or actual).
     Night Flight: At least 5 hours of night flying, including:
          One 2-hour cross-country flight at night over 100 nautical miles.
          10 takeoffs and landings at a controlled airport at night.
     Daytime Cross-Country Flight:
          One 2-hour cross-country flight over 100 nautical miles.
Solo or PIC Flight Requirements:
     One 300-nautical-mile cross-country flight, landing at three airports, with one leg at least 250 nautical miles. Testing & Checkride Requirements:
     Pass the FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test (Written Exam).
     Pass the FAA Commercial Pilot Practical Test (Checkride) with a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE).
Additional Requirements:
     Hold at least a Private Pilot Certificate.
     Obtain at least a Second-Class Medical Certificate.
     Receive and log required flight training and endorsements from an authorized instructor.
     Demonstrate proficiency in advanced flight maneuvers, emergency procedures, and aeronautical decision-                     making.